I know, I know, I've had these themes up here since 2001 without adding a new one.  Who knows, in time I may do another one.  Until then, here's the page content as I had it a few years ago.


My frustrations in looking for a theme that really kind of struck me, ended up in hours of creativity.  (Hey, there's not much to do when the tylenol pm runs out and you're up all night)   Screen Captures included for your theme perusing pleasure. 

**Made for 800x600 resolution**

Preview  -- Phoenix Mustangs  --  Download
Although the sound files are a bit cheesy, I had to do something  for our Taylor Cup Champions!  I had planned on getting better sound files, but the team not being around impedes my progress.  However, I included 3 backgrounds with this one.  They're all basically the same (with/without the border), enjoy whichever one suits your taste, or doesn't make you dizzy... heh...


Preview  --  Arizona Diamondbacks  -- Download
I remember a while back, I was searching a theme website and saw a request for a diamondbacks theme.  So now, a good deal of time later... I'm not sure if that person ever found one, but I still present you with a nifty little diamondbacks theme (if I do say so myself).  Just be warned.  Some of the sound files are pretty silly.  I did what I could though.


Preview  --  Smoke Signals  --  Download
An EXCELLENT movie!  It took me forever to get sound files to make this one.  Basically I took them all from a few video clips I found online.  There are quite a few different wallpaper options for you to choose from (um 4 actually... It was just so hard to choose.  The one of the actors that played Victor (as a child and grown) together, I thought was very cool... Pick your choose!