More recent pictures can be found HERE on my photo blog.

My latest pic *swoon* My little guy snuggling Calico hair Sick on Opening Night
Dad at the new arena Dad and Laura Opening Night More Opening Night Paul Mara & Ossi Vaananen

B-day after party
Another after party
Even more after party
Our friend Sean goofing
My sister's dog

Peggy Sue -- aka:
The Beast
Mac: My parents dog and
known pillow fiend
Rascal -- aka: Pork Chop.
Also my parents dog.
The boys doing what they
 do best
Miss Gabby: My parents semi-social cat

MacGreggor - aka Scruffy. 
My parents photogenic cat.

Although not so scruffy
 looking when shaved.
Hammy:  My sister's
pride and joy
Gato: My darling little
... Who will NOT open her
eyes for pictures

PooPoo kitty.  So named because he's a little *ahem*
But he's definitely a
mama's boy!
And finally Trixie.  The
loveable doofus!